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Welcome To Our CnPforeverLovE Blog Remember to Gib us a Tag^^v keep this blog at LOW PROFILE =D THX
I Hope u have been Enjoyin every moment wif me in ur Life As every SecOnd without You is LikE a day a week a month a year a decade a century ... Loving my one and only Dear tIll The last day of my Life ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Sarang Haeyo* Wo Ai Ni... When I see you, I Feel Happy. When we are PaRtInG WaYs, I FeEl Bu ShE De. When I MiSs You, it feels terrible =( But there IsH sOmEtHiNg WoRsT then MiSsing YOu ... ... It Is WhEn I Do NoT EvEn HaVe YoU To MiSs ... YoU ArE ThE rEaSoN FoR Me To lIvE =D